All campus copiers will be decommissioned on 31.03.2023 and the credit on student ID cards and ServiceCards (non-personalised) cannot be refunded.
Students can already use the Copy Centre in the Student Service Centre (SSC E01/219 | service hours) for copying, printing and binding (further information).
Here you can make copies on the spot, order prints or send data in advance by e-mail to druckzentrum@ruhr-uni-bochum.de. You can pay in cash or by EC card.
Faculties, institutes and other RUB institutions can send data by e-mail to druckzentrum@ruhr-uni-bochum.de or personally to the Print Centre (UV 01/46 | Servicezeiten), as is currently the case. Payment is made via finance centre / invoice.
Another option, which is particularly suitable for institutions that are not located on campus, is to purchase their own copier - as a self-procurement.
All campus copiers will be decommissioned on 31.03.2023 and the credit on student ID cards and ServiceCards (non-personalised) cannot be refunded.
Students can already use the Copy Centre in the Student Service Centre (SSC E01/219 | service hours) for copying, printing and binding (further information).
Here you can make copies on the spot, order prints or send data in advance by e-mail to druckzentrum@ruhr-uni-bochum.de. You can pay in cash or by EC card.
Faculties, institutes and other RUB institutions can send data by e-mail to druckzentrum@ruhr-uni-bochum.de or personally to the Print Centre (UV 01/46 | Servicezeiten), as is currently the case. Payment is made via finance centre / invoice.
Another option, which is particularly suitable for institutions that are not located on campus, is to purchase their own copier - as a self-procurement.